The history of the Ovomaltine brand stretches back 116 years. In 1865, the Swiss pharmacist Dr Georg Wander founded the Wander company in Bern. Looking for a way to reduce high childhood mortality due to malnutrition, he developed a malt extract and enriched it with other highly nutritious natural ingredients, such as egg, milk and cocoa, and as a result, Ovomaltine was born. It was first introduced onto the market in 1904, when it was sold as a medical preparation in chemists’ shops.
However, it wasn’t long before healthy active consumers discovered the strength-enhancing effect of this revolutionary beverage. Sportsmen and women in particular appreciated Ovomaltine as a satisfying snack with a nice taste. Try our new Ovomaltine Crunchy Spread over your favourite bread: it’s completely palm oil free and is a great replacement to other chocolate spreads.